High quality you can hear and feel Household devices and store equipment

Household devices and store equipment share one thing in common: When it comes to technical equipment and furnishings, panels and doors play an important role – both for functionality as well as for a high-quality product experience that evokes the sense of a certain lifestyle.
Who doesn’t appreciate a refrigerator or oven that glides open and closed or a TV mount that gently pivots into position? Or when the food processor or coffee machine adjusts with infinite variability to exactly the setting you need? When salon and spa chairs can be smoothly adapted to the customer with one foot? When the shutters of a kiosk at the mall glide quietly and securely into the locked position at night?
The application areas are nearly endless – and the common denominators are gas springs, dampers, and rotary dampers from Stabilus.

Adjusting, damping, lifting, lowering – our products are right in their element in all of these tasks.
That’s why even lifting heavy covers is made easy and comfortable with Stabilus gas springs. This is helpful, for instance, for the easy opening of refrigerated and retail display cases – whether for cleaning or for arranging goods.
Movement that is slowed or gently cushioned protects equipment and goods in countless applications. That’s an important factor. Not just for sound and the feel, but also for longevity – around the house and at the point of sale.
Our solutions at a glance
Gas springs for comfortable opening and closing
Gas springs for variable angle adjustment without actuating mechanism
Maintenance-free machine elements for controlled braking of rotary or linear motion