Technology specific to your requirements – developed just for you, with cost-effective production Custom solutions

As a product manufacturer, you have a specific set of requirements – whether stipulated by certain legal regulations or stemming from a unique product idea.
We at the Stabilus Group can meet the lion’s share of these requirements with off-the-shelf products from our modular system. For any need left unfulfilled, we come up with a custom solution to offer.

From design to production – quick and custom
Our specialists will be happy to work with you to create the perfect custom solution, pulling from every product range, expert brand, and site that makes up the Stabilus Group. That’s how we go from an existing product to a special model for your specific requirements.
Our view is that design, development, and production go hand in hand with universal data sets – so that we can work together to overcome your challenges quickly. We’re looking forward to your request!
Electrical solutions
Electronics and software are already key elements in motion control applications such as power closures today. Stabilus offers smart products with integrated ECU and software in support of this. We combine open architecture based on AUTOSAR, software expertise, and over 50 years of experience in kinematics to create a product experience that delivers.s.
Mechanical solutions
Mechanical motion control: Stabilus gas springs and dampers can be customized for perfect coordination with customer needs. Notable strengths such as market-leading temperature compensation are how we support or customers through the production of high-quality, durable products.
Industries and applications
Endless versatility. Stabilus products provide controlled motion across a broad spectrum of industries. Wherever this is needed – be it for opening, closing, lifting, lowering, holding, or damping – we are the provider of safety, ease of use, and noise and wear reduction.