Refined looks, rugged performance Stainless steel gas springs and door dampers for shipbuilding

Accommodating a lot within a little space: Every shipbuilding and yacht construction project presents structural requirements that necessitate intelligent and creative solutions.
Large and heavy panels, deck or companionway hatches, windows, conventional doors or sliding doors – everywhere you look, there’s a need for quick and safe opening, position retention, and closing. In all of these applications, high-quality stainless steel gas springs and door dampers from the Stabilus Group take to the challenge like a duck takes to water.
Stainless steel gas springs – looking sharp even in rough seas
Our high-quality stainless steel gas springs have proven their durability even upon contact with salt water. In addition to being rust proof, A4 stainless steel is also characterized by high corrosion resistance and is thus ideal for any application where materials will be confronted by saltwater.
And it’s worth mentioning that the shiny surface of the A4 gas springs is sure to impress with their sharp looks. With their timeless and high-quality design, our products blend harmoniously into the exclusive environment of yachts and ships.
Our solutions at a glance
The specialists for unique conditions such as a high-salinity environment
Door dampers – so doors glide gently and maintain position securely
Modern ships and boats are making increasing use of sliding doors out of considerations for space. They are deployed as partitions and as entry doors to the interior as well as in furniture such as kitchen cabinets or closets.
In these applications, Stabilus Group door dampers enable gentle closing and reliably retain sliding doors in the open or closed position.
Our solutions at a glance
Securely closing and positioning sliding doors on ships