Fair, transparent, sustainable – how we do business around the world Compliance at Stabilus

The true success of a business can’t simply be measured in numbers – adherence to fair work practices is part of the equation. For us at Stabilus, a substantive component of our corporate policy involves making a positive contribution toward honest and sustainable action in business and society. 


Dr. Ina Becker

Chief Compliance Officer/Corporate Legal Counsel

A good framework for all (Code of Conduct)

Compliance forms the non-negotiable framework for this objective. Our employees around the globe know that they are obligated to comply with the Stabilus Code of Conduct. The Code takes into account the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Principles of the UN Global Compact, and the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organization (ILO). We act in accordance with these principles

Code of Conduct

Business Partner Code of Conduct

Supply Chain Compliance

As a manufacturer, we are entwined in global value chains. We thus expect our partners to likewise conduct their operations in accordance with all laws that apply to them as well as the principles of our Code of Conduct. Our suppliers are obligated to comply with our Stabilus Business Partner Code of Conduct, which is in alignment with our internal Code of Conduct.

Furthermore, the provisions of the Supply Chain Act (German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, LkSG) took effect in January 2023. As a company headquartered in Germany, we are obligated to comply with this Act. It was initiated with the objective of ensuring compliance with human rights along the entire international supply chain. We work together with our suppliers to implement the crucial aspects of governance, risk, and compliance in a way that is transparent and in accordance with all laws. Because the concept of human rights concerns everyone, everywhere. 

LkSG Policy Statement

We have set up a complaints procedure that enables employees and those affected outside the company to point out risks and violations pursuant to the LkSG that have arisen through our business activities or along the supply chain. Detailed accessibility, responsibility and execution of the procedure are stipulated in the rules of procedure.

LkSG Complaints Procedure

Compliance management

Our company-wide compliance organization supports the individual Stabilus companies with implementation of the Code of Conduct and with the design of business processes. This is how risks associated with operational business activities can be recognized early on and how compliance violations can be avoided through suitable measures.

Questions or tips? Get in touch!

Are you aware of operations within the Stabilus Group that don’t quite sit right with you? Are you in a situation that makes you question whether everything is in line with the law, the Stabilus Code of Conduct, or the internal Stabilus Group guidelines? The best way forward is to speak directly with your superiors or the relevant division. 

If you have concerns, please contact us. We have an open-door policy and are ready to provide expert advice. Your questions and tips help us detect risks early – which in turn means we can head off damages to our company, employees, and business partners as well as the general public. Even our business partners and all other stakeholders are directed to contact the Stabilus Compliance Department in the event of potential misconduct, whether directly or via the whistleblower portal.

Secure whistleblower portal

If you wish to report a tip without directly being in contact with someone, there is a special communication platform available to you that is run outside the Stabilus IT network. This platform was set up specifically for reporting tips regarding violations of the law or of internal Stabilus Group guidelines. The web-based platform guarantees safe, confidential processing of your tip and is available 24/7.

Visit stabilus.whistleblowernetwork.net/frontpage to access the portal directly and anonymously – the portal cannot detect your computer’s IP address.

If you would like to keep your identity private through the process, the communication platform also enables completely anonymous reporting and exchange of dialog with us via a protected, anonymous mailbox. However, we encourage you to share your tips openly with us on the portal. This is because having a direct exchange of dialog with you increases the chances of coming to a quick resolution. 

Handling of tips

Tips will be processed by Stabilus Group Corporate Compliance. You can rest assured that every incoming tip is carefully investigated and treated with strict confidentiality. However, please understand that the employees involved have the right to be appropriately protected as well. We therefore trust that no tips are submitted with dishonest intentions.