Functionalities with serious responsibility Gas springs, dampers, and drives for medical and rehabilitation technology

Our gas springs and damping products have been an indispensable part of medical and rehabilitation technology for quite some time now. Day and night, they help make the lives of patients, physicians, and nursing staff easier.
Quick and controlled height changes, easy and precise adjustments, and integrated counterbalancing are all necessities. Stabilus products are there wherever it comes down to reliability in lifting, lowering, positioning, or adjusting at work – in the operating room, ward, or rehabilitation
Self-sufficient, maintenance free, clean, and safe
Some characteristics shared by every one of our products: They ensure safety in a power outage, they are low-noise, and they are entirely self-sufficient and maintenance free. We also offer gas springs in stainless steel for medical applications upon request. This protects against corrosion in a humid environment, enables simple cleaning and disinfection, and precludes the harmful effects of magnetic fields on scanners, MRI machines, and more.
All structural parts are designed such that they do not present the risk of electrosmog or fire. Furthermore, the mechanical actuating system prevents any possibility of leakage.
Operating tables, stretchers, and powered transfer boards
Surgery is precision work that requires a great deal of finesse. That’s why it is of utmost importance that the operating table can be adjusted quickly and easily, making it possible for the patient to be positioned just right for the surgeon.
On the other hand, the primary concern for a stretcher is its ability to adapt to the physical condition of the sick or injured individual in order to provide maximum relief.
Variable height adjustment is critical for a powered transfer board, for instance so that patients can be transferred from the higher stretcher coming out of the OR onto the lower hospital bed.
In addition to convenient height adjustment, our gas springs enable variable and easy adjustment of the head, chest, and foot sections of operating tables and stretchers. Loading variations that are a result of different body sizes can be also absorbed safely and easily through the use of our gas springs.
Our solutions at a glance
For secure height and angle adjustment
For comfortable opening and closing
Hospital and nursing beds
Easily adjustable hospital beds increase patient comfort and help prevent concentrated pressure areas – a major benefit to people who have to remain in bed for extended periods.
In a medical emergency, it’s also necessary that all elements of the bed can transition into shock position, known as the Trendelenburg position, within seconds.
Our locking gas springs support the movement of head sections and bed surfaces of hospital beds in a way that spares effort and is comfortable. They enable variable adjustment of the chest section and locking in the desired position. Additionally, the foot section can be rigidly locked at any angle necessary.
During lowering, our gas springs, rubber bumper elements, and rotary dampers prevent bed elements from moving too quickly. Hydraulic-oil dampers also ensure safe lowering of the side rails. What’s more, we offer the option of extreme washing resistance to make quick cleaning possible.
Our solutions at a glance
Non-locking gas springs
For comfortable opening and closing
For secure height and angle adjustment
Gas springs with variable angle adjustment
Additional retention function through comfortable rigid or elastic locking
For cushioned, safe closing
The easy option for tough requirements
Motion control for rotating and linear movements
Swivel and support arms, lamps and light stands
In the operating room and the intensive care unit, it’s common to need to place multiple pieces of equipment right by the patient’s side. Support arms and stands are a huge help here. They also help with the optimal utilization of precious space in medical facilities.
Our gas springs enable variable, easy, and precise positioning of the functional elements of fixed and pivoting support arms for monitors, lamps, and medical equipment. In these applications, they can compensate for even relatively large weight shifts while ensuring a safe travel path at the same time.
They’re also perfect for surveillance monitors, lamps, and dental chair equipment thanks to their ability to move a huge variety of even relatively heavier loads through variable pivoting angles.
Our solutions at a glance
Friction gas springs for variable positioning
For optimal counterbalancing during lifting and lowering
For secure height and angle adjustment
Gas springs with variable angle adjustment
Additional retention function through comfortable rigid or elastic locking
For safe braking of rotary and linear movements
Doctor’s chairs and stools
Gas springs help provide ergonomic seating for physicians. Doctor’s chairs and stools can quickly be brought to the right height with a simple hand operation or with the foot release. This keeps your hands free and, most importantly, sterile.
With our locking, self-supporting gas springs, the doctor’s stool can be variably adjusted up or down in the blink of an eye, springing comfortably into the desired position. This spares the spinal column from hard impacts.
Our solutions at a glance
For secure height and angle adjustment
Gas springs for seat height adjustment (LINK FEHLT)
Specially designed for swivel chairs, work chairs, armchairs, and stools
Armchairs for seniors
Seniors often don’t have the strength to go from a comfortable seated position back to standing without assistance. The standing aid of an armchair designed for seniors supports the user in this situation so they can overcome the task independently.
Our gas springs help seniors preserve their freedom of movement. Just the simple press of a button initiates the standing aid or the transition between the sitting position and the lying or reclining position. The chair gently glides into the desired position. Backrests and footrests can also be safely adjusted to any position. The gentle, supportive cushioning provided by the gas springs also supplies an additional level of comfort.
Our solutions at a glance
Non-locking gas springs
For comfortable opening and closing
For secure height and angle adjustment
Gas springs with variable angle adjustment
Additional retention function through comfortable rigid or elastic locking
Massage and treatment tables
Variable height adjustment of the table is one of the most important prerequisites for the ergonomic and relaxed working position of medical personnel. Precisely adjustable chest, hip, head, and foot sections bring the patient’s body to the optimal position – an important component in successful treatment.
Stabilus gas springs bring treatment tables to the desired position safely and effortlessly, providing a sufficient degree of blocking force in doing so. This eliminates the need for additional locking devices.
What's more, our gas springs can be equipped with overload protection, known as the override function. If the treatment table is loaded beyond a predefined specification, an overload valve opens, causing the table to yield gently.
Our solutions at a glance
For secure height and angle adjustment
Gas springs with extension override
For effective protection against overload
For cushioned, safe closing
Non-locking gas springs
For comfortable opening and closing
Trash cans and waste bins
In the health sector, impeccable hygiene is non-negotiable. That’s why most waste bins are made of metal and have a mechanism for operation with your foot. Unfortunately, closure is usually associated with a loud noise, as the cover drops down in an uncontrolled manner as soon as you release the lever or pedal.
With the help of gas springs and small damping elements, uncontrolled dropping of the waste bin lid is turned into gentle and quiet closure. When opening, the cover smoothly glides up and doesn’t hit the furniture or the wall.
Our solutions at a glance:
Non-locking gas springs
For comfortable opening and closing
Hydraulic dampers
For cushioned, safe closing
For safe braking of rotary and linear movements
Wheelchairs and mobility scooters
Patients who are older or are lacking in strength often have trouble standing up out of the wheelchair on their own. Certain injuries require elevation of the leg, which of course also must be a function provided by the wheelchair. Additionally, an adjustable backrest facilitates comfortable sitting.
A suitable alternative to the wheelchair is the mobility scooter, which gives those who are impaired or lacking in strength some of their mobility back. Our gas springs prove to be a useful assistant here in optimally positioning the wheelchair or scooter to the physical condition of its user. Not only that, but they also help with standing and guarantee safety and comfort.
In wheelchairs and scooters, gas springs provide variable height and angle adjustment of the backrest and seat pan. This means that the patient doesn’t need to exert as much strength to stand. In the movable foot sections, our gas springs enable elevation of the legs, even on just one side.
During travel, our dampers ensure gentle cushioning of the wheels. The lift function of the scooter gently supports standing, while smooth damping of the seat relieves the spine and its discs to increase riding comfort.
Our solutions at a glance
Non-locking gas springs
For comfortable opening and closing
Force assistance and end-position locking based on the ballpoint pen principle
For secure height and angle adjustment
Hydraulic dampers
For cushioned, safe closing
Hospital nightstand
In hospitals and skilled nursing, mealtime generally takes place in bed. For this purpose exactly, nightstands have fold-out table surfaces, which can be rotated over the bed. With the help of our gas springs, the height of this eating surface can easily be adjusted even when heavily loaded.
We developed our gas springs for over-bed tables specifically for use in hospital nightstands. They make it possible to lift the table surface without any actuating mechanism at all. This both improves patient comfort and enables medical personnel to safely and easily raise the table surface.
Our solutions at a glance
Locking over-bed table gas springs
Special gas springs for hospital nightstands
For secure height and angle adjustment
Just like all applications in the medical field, the functionality of furniture and cabinets are placed under the highest demands. Our gas springs hold panels and cabinet doors open securely and provide gentle support through the travel path during opening and closing.
Our gas springs are the elegant and reliable solution for functional furniture in hospitals and in doctor’s offices. They enable force-assisted opening and quiet closing of cabinet doors, gently cushion panel movements, and ensure positioning of the door in every single position exactly as needed. They are available in silver-gray and white – whichever is right for your design.
Our solutions at a glance
For comfortable opening and closing
Hydraulic dampers
For cushioned, safe closing
Walking and standing aids
People with disabilities or who are going through a rehabilitation regimen after trauma are sometimes unable to support their full body weight with their legs. In such cases, standing and walking aids help these patients rise to a standing position and walk. This provides an exceptional level of relief.
People with disabilities or who are going through a rehabilitation regimen after trauma are sometimes unable to support their full body weight with their legs. In such cases, standing and walking aids help these patients rise to a standing position and walk. This provides an exceptional level of relief.
Our solutions at a glance
For secure height and angle adjustment
For comfortable opening and closing
Laboratory equipment
Stabilus Group products are also a great help in the lab – whether at university hospitals or research facilities or in households receiving skilled nursing services. Typical application areas include centrifuges, agitators, and incubators.
In centrifuges, our gas springs and drives support easy opening, closing, and positioning of covers.
Our damping technology is used in vibration elements, agitator plates, and centrifuge rotors. Our products are also used in incubators, which serve for example to store and grow bacterial, cell, and tissue cultures.
Our solutions at a glance
Non-locking gas springs
For comfortable opening and closing
Electromechanical drives
Our product spectrum backed by light years of automotive industry experience
The easy damping option for tough requirements
Custom vibration damping for your application
For safe braking of rotary and linear movements