Solutions for electric motion control in the automotive industry Expertise in applications and in software join forces

What customers expect in terms of vehicle comfort builds on itself year after year. What was a luxury yesterday now comes standard. Examples include power closures, such as for windows and locks, and power side doors with increasingly complex features.
Great depth and breadth of knowledge are required to integrate the different technologies out there into a viable solution. This is particularly true in the landscape of vehicle architectures clearly developing toward high-performance computing (HPC), which requires both dedicated controls and an increasing number of software products.
Smart products and software – Stabilus supports AUTOSAR
Stabilus got on board with the trend of incorporating vehicle functionality into the electronics and software early on. For instance, we already offer an entire range of smart products with an integrated AUTOSAR*-based electronic control unit. Plus, our motion control software can be used with current OEM control units or with high-performance computers. The advantage to you is easy installation without consuming valuable HPC memory.
*AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture): a global partnership for the development of an open, standardized software framework for Electronic Control Units. -
Expertise in kinematics included – for a product experience that delivers
As a Stabilus customer, you get more than “just” a smart product or a software program. POWERISE, the automotive motion control solution, was developed through deep expert knowledge in kinematics, applications, and products. An example of our expertise is our more than 50 years of experience working with the precise mathematics behind closure systems. That’s how you can be sure that you’re providing your customers with a product experience that delivers on every want and need.
We provide solutions for similar trends in other industrial sectors as well with Industrial POWERISE.