A culture of innovation for long-term success The Stabilus Innovation Race

Human beings have the capacity for creativity. How can this strength, lying dormant in the minds of every single employee, be harnessed in a more goal-oriented way?
How can fresh ideas as well as designs based on years of expertise be integrated into a long-term strategy for growth? These questions are what drove us at Stabilus to launch the internal competition known as the Innovation Race.

f.l.t.r.: Dr. Alexander Reiser, Ulrich Probst, Vladimir Friesen, Philipp Spitzley, Dr. Hubert Pomin, Dr. Michael Büchsner
Clever minds, clever solution: unique temperature-compensating gas spring
More than 20% of Stabilus employees participated in the first round of our global challenge in 2019. The path to winning was a multi-step process: A jury first selected the top 15 ideas as part of an initial selection round. Coming out of a final evaluation round were six teams that qualified for finals. The ultimate winner was the team that won the judges over with their clever solution for compensation of the temperature-dependent forces of conventional gas springs.
The aftermath of the competition was equally thrilling: The first orders for the temperature-compensating gas spring for use in the automotive industry have already been placed. Production is set to begin in 2023.
Innovation Tree
Megatrends shape our lives and the requirements of the future. We regard them as a vital compass in the development of our innovations. With the Innovation Tree, we keep future motion control solutions in line with modern industry, human welfare, urban life, and next-generation vehicles.
Motion Eco System
Together, connected, and as a partnership: We are driving innovation forward in the Motion Ecosystem together with our exemplary partners. It’s all part of our vision for 2030: world market leader in intelligent motion control technologies.
Custom Solutions
Specific challenges – custom designs: Pulling from every brand, product, and site of the Stabilus Group is how we are able to offer our customers custom solutions. Efficient from design to development to production.