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Stabilus S.A. presents STAR 2025 long-term targets
Luxembourg/Koblenz, November 27, 2017 - Stabilus S.A. (ISIN: LU1066226637), a leading global supplier of gas springs, dampers and electromechanical drives, is today presenting its long-term goals "STAR 2025" (STAR: Stabilus Reloaded). The STAR process was first developed in the 2011 financial year and initially defined long-term targets up to the 2020 financial year under STAR 2020. The STAR targets are subdivided into area-specific targets, key figures and projects. The process formed the basis for Stabilus' operational successes in recent years and the successful IPO in May 2014. To date, Stabilus has more than doubled its revenue since the 2011 fiscal year and achieved key STAR 2020 targets ahead of schedule.
With STAR 2025, the kinematics specialist has continued its strategic planning up to fiscal year 2025 and once again set itself ambitious targets. Driven by the vision of becoming the leading company for motion control solutions, Stabilus aims to continue to grow sustainably and profitably. Stabilus CEO Dietmar Siemssen explained: "We want to grow sustainably and develop Stabilus into the leading supplier of motion control systems. Our growth should continue to significantly outperform the market."
The following goals were defined in STAR 2025
1. sustainable growth: Stabilus wants to continue to grow faster than the market in the future and has set itself the target of an average annual growth rate of at least 6 percent. New customer acquisition, product innovations and the further development of new and existing markets should contribute to this. The company also intends to continue examining selected external growth opportunities. Global developments and megatrends, such as demographic change, digitalization and autonomous driving, are the drivers of this ambitious growth.
2. internationalization: Stabilus intends to further expand its global presence in a targeted manner and is focusing on growth in the respective markets. In doing so, Stabilus will remain true to its "In the region for the region" approach, which involves building up regional development and sales expertise locally in the target markets, for example in China, South Korea and Mexico. In the medium to long term, orders from a region should also be largely produced in the respective region.
3. excellence: Stabilus' excellence initiative addresses more than just excellence in production and product quality. The initiative also aims to ensure that every employee constantly strives for excellence in everything they do. Every process and procedure in the company, from employee recruitment to customer contact, is to be continuously improved. For example, the company uses globally established methods in production, such as Kaizen, 5S and 6 Sigma. Through this commitment to quality, Stabilus aims to expand its quality and technology leadership, position itself even more clearly as a partner to its customers and further increase its attractiveness as an employer.
4. innovation: Bringing innovations to market maturity and setting market standards has long been one of Stabilus' strengths. To expand its leading position, the company is investing in an increasing number of development projects. All of them are aimed at shortening innovation cycles, establishing a culture of innovation within the company and continuously filling the innovation pipeline with new products and applications. The company derives its growth potential from global trends such as demographic change, an increasing demand for comfort and rising health and safety standards. Stabilus links these megatrends with other developments such as digitalization, electromobility, autonomous driving and the emergence of mega-cities. Recognizing customer needs, developing solutions together with customers and seizing market opportunities are the basis for strong growth through innovative products and applications.
5 "One Stabilus": Sustainable corporate success is based on the joint efforts of all employees and a corporate culture that promotes innovation and a constant willingness to change. In addition to further organizational and structural integration, a group-wide team spirit and sense of belonging is essential, which Stabilus supports with corresponding values and management guidelines. With these measures, Stabilus aims to achieve a strong identification of employees with the company's goals.
Dietmar Siemssen, CEO of Stabilus, explains: "By the end of the 2017 fiscal year, we had already achieved key STAR 2020 targets such as the revenue threshold of EUR 800 million ahead of schedule. With STAR 2025, we are continuing our plans with the same methodology that has made us successful in recent
years. We want to be even closer to our customers and support them with our solutions to secure their market lead. With the targets, key figures and strategic measures derived from STAR 2025, we will continue to expand our technology leadership in our target markets."
About Stabilus
As a leading global supplier of gas springs, dampers and electromechanical drives, Stabilus has been demonstrating its expertise in the automotive industry and many other sectors for eight decades. With gas springs, dampers and electromechanical POWERISE drives, Stabilus optimizes opening, closing, lifting, lowering and adjustment and offers protection against oscillations and vibrations. The company has its headquarters in Koblenz and employs more than six thousand people worldwide. In the 2017 fiscal year, Stabilus generated sales of EUR 910.0 million. Stabilus has a global production network in nine countries. Through regional offices and sales partners, Stabilus is also represented in more than fifty countries in Europe, North, Central and South America as well as in the Asia-Pacific region. Stabilus S.A. is listed in the Prime Standard segment of the German Stock Exchange and is represented in the SDAX index.
Important notice
This press release may contain forward-looking statements based on current assumptions and forecasts made by Stabilus Group management and other currently available information. Various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors could lead to material differences between the actual results, financial situation, development or performance of the company and the estimates given here.